Monday 1 April 2013

Soal bahasa Inggris Kl XI Smt 2

I.       Pilihlah salah satu jawaban yang tepat dengan memberi  tanda silang (x)  pada salah satu huruf jawaban a, b, c, d, atau e pada lembar jawaban !

1.  Carol       : John, I was talking to the travel agent about where we might be taking our vacation this year.
John       : I am going fishing in Alaska with my friend, Mark.
Carol      : What are you talking about?  You and I have been together for a whole year, and our vacation time should be the two of us!
      John       : Really? Who made that rule up?
Carol      : With that attitude, I don't really think we have much more to discuss here.
John       : .... !

       The suitable expression to complete the dialog is ….
       a.    I’m broke                                              
       b.    I wish I could                        
        c.   I keep my words
       d.    Whatever you say
       e.    I felt so embarrassed
2.  At veranda
A: I'm really happy that you come to visit me.
You know ... .
I feel that too, darling. Tell me what you’ve been up to
I’m so sorry, honey. Lately, I've been quite busy. I've just been working a lot.
A: Whatever the reason may be,
now I'm glad you visit me.
So am I, sweetheart.
       The following expression which belongs to expression of love is ….
a.    I feel very tired
b.    I just want to be alone
c.    I just need you to believe me
d.    I never miss you since I met her
e.    I’ve been missing you like crazy

3.    On the bus
       Liza          : Hey, have you heard the government’s new policy?
       Ryan        : Not yet, what is that about?
       Liza          : You know, the budget for education will be raised up to 20% of the total national budget.
     Ryan        : Really? Sounds great. ... it can help many students from being dropped out because of fund problem.
       Liza          : Yeah. .... .

       The best pairs of utterance to complete the above dialog are ….
       a.    I don’t think – you bet                                                                                        
       b.    I think – I don’t have any idea
       c.    I don’t think – I agree with you
       d.    I personally think – I’m in line with you                                                                         
       e.    I’m surely convinced – I disagree with your opinion

4.    After the school time
       Sydney    :     Would you like to have some ice cream? Let’s go to ‘Boundy’.
      Martha    :     Can you tell me the reason why we should go to that place?
      Sydney    :     Well, it offers the most delicious ice cream in the world with reasonable price.
      Martha    :     And?
       Sydney    :     And you can meet some good-looking guys hanging out there.
       Martha    :     Sorry, I can’t get your idea. I think ‘Cozy’ is much better than ‘Boundy’, you know.
       Syned       :     But, that’s too far from here!

      The underlined words expresses ….
       a.    embarrassment
       b.    disagreement                                                        
       c.     compliment
       d.    agreement                                                                             
       e.     disbelief

5.    On the telephone
       Victor       :     Victor’s speaking
       Cynthia   :     Hi, Victor, let me tell you something funny happened to me this morning.
      Victor        :     Something funny? Okay, please tell me!
Cynthia   :     You know, I submitted the letter you sent to me a week ago instead of my paper on Mr. Mario’s desk. And the worst thing is that he read it in front of the class.
Victor        :     (laughing) That’s the funniest joke in the world
Cynthia    :     Do you know what I felt at that time? I wished I had never been born.
      What can we conclude from Cynthia’s utterance in the dialogue? She is ....
       a.    ashamed because of her mistake.
       b.    disappointed to his boyfriend
      c.    very angry with her teacher
       d.    so sick with her classmates
       e.    so confused to herself
6.    Terry                    :      I wish he were not my boyfriend!
      Mother                :      Oh dear, can you tell mom what happened?
       Terry                    :      It’s all about Burt, Mom. He’s got another girlfriend. .... !
       Mother                :      Calm down. You can talk with him about it. Things’ll work out fine.
       Terry                    :      Alright, mom. 

       The best expression to complete the dialog is .... .
       a.    I love him more than anything                                                                                         
       b.    I can’t say my love in words                                                                             
       c.    I love him and I always will
       d.    He’s the best that I have
       e.    He’s only a sort of jerk

7.    Gary               :      Hi, Mike, we're having a party tonight, wanna come join us?  You can bring your girlfriend.
      Mike               :      Well, I'm breaking up with Cathy.
      Gary               :      What happened?  Did you have a fight?
      Mike               :      Just a little quarrel. For me, she's really a very nice girl and now .... .
       Gary               :      Come on, Mike. It can’t be that bad
       What would Mike probably say to express his feeling? He would say .... .
      a.    I don’t know how to live my life without her
       b.    I don’t know exactly where she lives
       c.    I don’t know how to call her now
       d.    I don’t care about her at all
       e.    I don’t want to meet her

8.    Sally               :      Bruce, don't you think you should take a vacation?  Even one or two days would be fine.
       Bruce              :      It seems impossible for me. There’s too much work.
       Sally               :      But you look so exhausted.  You need a break!
       Bruce              :      I know.  My chances would be better if they would hire more people. But, the problem is they want to keep the cost down so they don’t want to hire more people.
       Sally               :      They won't hire more people?
       Bruce              :      No, .... .

       Which utterance belongs to the expression of sorrow?
a.    Sadness makes me mad
b.    Calm down, getting angry won’t help
c.    I just cannot believe it happened to me
d.   You’re the one and only love that I have.
e.    I am really overwhelmed with a heavy workload.

9.    At the school canteen
       Martha                  :      So, how is your new roommate?
      Kimberley             :      She really turns me off! She's always making loud noises at midnight and when I remind her, she always makes rude remarks.
      Martha                   :      .... . Why don't you have a heart-to-heart chat with her?
       Kimberley             :      I tried, but it didn't work
       The suitable expression to complete the dialog are as the followings, except ….
       a.    Temper, temper!                                                  
       b.    Just be patient!                                                                     
       c.    Take it slow!
       d.    Watch out!
       e.    Relax!

10.  At Daniel’s desk
       Julie                                 : ... ?
       Daniel                             : It looks fine to me. She’s really great in the red dress.
Julie                : Are you kidding? She's behind the times. That style went out last year.
       Daniel             : Oh, come on, as long as it looks good on her. 
       Julie                : Wow, you're really as out-dated as she is. 

       The expression that will be best completed the dialog is .... .
       a.    Excuse me, is this seat vacant?                                                         
       b.    What do you think of her outfit?                                                      
       c.    Hi, Daniel, how’s life getting on?
       d.    What are you going to order, steak?
       e.    How much is the red dress beside the blue one?

11. At Jane’s house
       Mary              :      Jane, I'm very upset about something.  Can I talk with you?  I'd like your opinion.
       Jane                :      What is that about? Oh, is it about Ed?
       Mary              :      Yeah. (Heave a sigh) You know,  Ed is indeed a gentleman.  He has wonderful manners and is respectful of me.  But I'm really bothered by his past!
       Jane                :      His past? What do you mean?
      Mary               :      He used to have a girlfriend and he loved her very much.  He almost married her if it were not for an accident. 
      Jane                        :        Oh, I see.  But why are you so bothered?  That's already a history, isn't it?
      Mary               :      I know, but I just can’t get it off my mind.

       From the dialog above, we can understand that Mary expressed ....
a.      love                                                                         
b.      hate
c.       gratitude                                                                
d.      agreement
e.       compliment

12. Grace               :     I was locked in last night.
       Carol              :      What do you mean "locked in"?
       Grace              :      Well, my brother thought I was out, so when he left he locked the door from outside. Then, I called my neighbour and gave him the key from inside.
       Carol              :      That's a funny story.  I've never heard about anyone who got locked in rather than locked out.
       Mary              :      .... .

       What would Mary possibly say to complete the dialog? She would say ....
a.       I wish I could.
b.        Maybe next time.
c.        I was so embarrassed
d.        Let bygones be bygones
e.        It really makes me feel relieved

13. On the telephone.
       Tom                :      Why didn't you show up for class this morning?
       Mike               :      I don't even want to talk about it.  My car broke down.
       Tom                :      Oh, what happened?
       Mike               :      The engine seems to be busted. The car is very important to me and I don’t know what to do  now.
       Tom                :      Have you thought about getting a new car?
       Mike               :      Yeah, I've thought about that, but I can't afford a new car. I'm broke.
       Tom                :      Hey, cheer up! Maybe, you can lease a car.  It doesn't cost much. 

From the above dialogue, we know that Mike felt .... .
a.      angry
b.      gloomy
c.       anxious
d.      relieved
e.       frightened
14. At the cafeteria.
       Jean                :      How are things going with you and your roommate?
       Sue                  :      Not very well.  We're supposed to share the groceries, but I end up feeding her three meals a day.  My grocery bill is huge, you know.  I really can't afford it any longer. 
       Jean                :      Well, honesty is the best policy.  Maybe you just want to have a heart-to-heart, friend-to-friend talk with her. If she refuses to mend her ways, then ask her to move out.  You can't let her wear out her welcome.
       Sue                  :      Thanks then. Perhaps you’re right.

       The underlined words are used for expressing ....
a.      annoyance
b.      happiness
c.       patience
d.      sadness
e.       anxiety

15. In Janette’s desk.
       Janette           :      I heard you're going to LA tonight.
       Sylvia             :      Yes.  I'm having a dinner party with my friends there.
       Janette           :      Well, you may not know this, but because it's Christmas tomorrow, everybody gets off work early today so that they can go back home early.  Starting at 3, traffic usually becomes bumper to bumper.
       Sylvia             :      Oh, I didn’t know that. So what should I do?
       Janette           :      Well, you must leave earlier today. Say 2 p.m.  If you don't have any important things to deal with, leave as early as possible.
       Sylvia             :      Okay, I’m with you

       From the bold-typed words, we can conclude that Sylvia expressed her .... .
a.      disagreement
b.      excitement
c.       agreement
d.      sympathy
e.       sorrow

The following text is for questions no. 16-19
Once  upon a time, there lived a man called Bhim. He made his living by trapping quails.
He used to hide among the bushes and imitate the sound of a quail. When the birds came closer, he threw his net over them and caught them. He then sold them in market.
Bhim caught about ten to twenty quails daily. The king of the quails was worried. Many of his subjects were being captured. He hit upon a plan. He gathered all the quails around him one day.
“You must learn to stand together.” He said. “Unity is strength. As soon as that man throws his net over you, using all your strength, you must fly off with the net. Descent to the ground near the banyan tree. There our friends will set you free.”
“What a good idea!” said the quails.
The next day, Bhim cast his net over some quails. At once they flew away with the net. He did not know where they had flown. He searched for the net but could not find it.
Bhim then bought a new net. Again the same thing happened. The birds flew away with the net.
Bhim and his wife were unhappy. “How can we make our living now?” said the wife.
“Don’t you worry,” said Bhim. “The birds have learned to work together. As soon as the net is thrown over them, they fly off with it. I don’t think their unity will last long. They won’t like in peace any longer. They will quarrel with one another soon, and I will catch plenty of them.”
The next day Bhim found the quails quarrelling. One of them said, “We are able to escape because I am strong enough to lift the net.” Another bird said, “I am the strongest. I can’t lift the net myself.” Soon all the quails joined in the quarrel.
Just then Bhim threw his net over the group of birds. “Now let us see what you can do!” cried one. “Can you lift the net without my help?” said another. “Try and lift it.” They went on quarrelling and did not try to fly away together. Soon Bhim drew in his net and took the birds home.
“Look!” he said, showing the quails to his wife. “Didn’t  I tell you that they wouldn’t stand together much longer? The quails are a quarrelsome tribe. I will catch plenty of them every day.”
The king of quails said sadly, “A people that is divided is as at mercy of the enemy.”

16. The above text mainly tells us about ....
a.    a very hardworking couple
b.    a quarrelsome flock of quails
c.    a kind hearted but silly husband
d.    a mean and powerful king of quails
e.    a humorous but grouchy quail tribe

17. The complication started when ....
a.    the king of quails gathered his followers to make a plan for escaping from Bhim’s trap
b.    the quails started quarrelling one and another to show which one was the strongest
c.    Bhim was failed to cast his net over some quails and it happened more than once.
d.    Bhim’s wife was so worried that her husband could not catch quails any more.
e.    the quails’ king asked them to stop quarrelling and giving them some advice

18. From the story, we can learn that ....
a.    silent is golden
b.    the sooner the better
c.     honesty is the best policy
d.    united we stand divided we fall
e.     the early bird will get the worm

19. “... won’t like in peace any longer. They will quarrel with one another soon,... ” The word “quarrel” has almost the same meaning as the following words, except .... .
        a.   fight                                                                                        
        b.   argue                                                                                      
        c.   giggle
        d.   clash
        e.   wrangle

20. Quail 1                  : We are able to escape because I am strong enough to lift the net.
Quail 2                 : What did he say just now?
Quail 3                 :  ....

a.       He said that they are able to escape because he is strong enough to lift the net.
b.       He said that we were able to escape because he was strong enough to lift the net
c.        He said that they were able to escape because he was strong enough to lift the net.
d.       He said that we had been able to escape because he had been strong to lift the net
e.        He said that they had been able to escape because he had been strong to lift the net.

The following text is for questions no. 21-24

Online jobs are selected in part-time employment for many, and some have taken more seriously.                A growing number of people are willing to take a job online. Working online has its advantages if we manage effectively. Why not?
It offers flexibility and convenience that no other job can give. We can work from home with minimal investment and get a good income. The idea of adding weight to our pocket and makes life easier and comfortable is the most reassuring.
The reason behind this great opportunity is that every day there are new companies to join. Every day and every minute men are seeking information about everything under the sky of the Internet. As we know, the Internet is the answer to every question, web sites need to update each section and also add reports on developments that have recently joined. Therefore, it is an expansive space for articles.
There are a number of jobs we can work online. Some of them which strongly recommended are writing, marketing, stock trading, and online education. However we should be very careful because scamming opportunities are always there.

21. The second paragraph of the text tells us about ….
       a.    people can invest their capital and comfort via internet
       b.    flexibility and convenience are given on online job
       c.    people may apply online job from home                                                       
       d.    online job can’t give maximum income                                         
       e.    online job can be done in the office
22.  From the text above we can conclude that the writer .... .
       a.    tells the readers the importance of working online
       b.    informs some facilities from online job that people can get
       c.    persuades the readers to invest as much money as possible online
       d.    convinces people that seeking for job is getting more difficult nowadays
       e.    persuades the readers that online job should be the alternative for job seekers.

23.  After reading the text carefully we know that online job is a ... opportunity
       a.    tight                                                                        
       b.    scaring                                                                    
       c.    difficult
       d.    promising
       e.    frightening

24. According to the text, we agree with the writer’s statements that .... .
       a.    encourage people to apply online job
       b.    discourage people to search for a living online
       c.    help people miss their opportunity to seek for job
       d.    persuade people to apply job through conventional way
       e.    convince people not to submit an application on internet

25.  Information about job opportunities on internet (will – seek) by many people nowadays.
       The correct verb form for the words in bracket is .... .
       a.    will seek                                                 
       b.    will to seek                                                             
       c.    will be sought
       d.    will to be sought
       e.    will to be shaken

  The following text is for no. 26 – 29
One day, a lady saw a mouse running across her kitchen floor. She was very afraid of mice, so she ran out of the house, got in a bus and went down to the shops. There she bought a mouse-trap. The shopkeeper said to her, “Put some cheese in it, and you will soon catch that mouse.”
The lady went home with her mouse-trap, but when she looked in her cupboard, she could not find any cheese in it. She did not want to go back to the shops, because it was very late, so she cut a picture of some cheese out of a magazine and put that in the trap.
Surprisingly, the picture of the cheese was quite successful! When the lady came down to the kitchen the next morning, there was a picture of a mouse in the trap beside the picture of the cheese!

26. What did the woman do to trap the mouse in her kitchen? She .... .
       a.    put a piece of cheese in the trap and put it in her kitchen
       b.    bought a big piece of cheese and put it in the mouse trap
       c.    took a picture of some cheese and glued it on a magazine
       d.    made a picture of cheese by herself and left it in her kitchen
       e.    cut an image of cheese out of a magazine and attached it in the trap

27. What did the woman purchase in the shop? She purchased .... .
       a.    a magazine
       b.    a mouse-trap
       c.    a mouse picture
       d.    a piece of cheese
       e.    a picture of cheese

28. The writer wrote the text to .... .
       a.    explain how to trap mouse effectively
       b.    inform the use of mouse-trap at one’s house                                 
       c.    tell a sequence of events with humorous twist
       d.    persuade the readers to buy some mouse-traps                                             
       e.    describe how to make a mouse-trap with a picture of cheese

29.  Surprisingly, the picture of the cheese was quite successful! (paragraph 3).
       What is the closest meaning of the bold-typed word ?
       a.    unfortunately                                                                                       
       b.    unexpectedly                                                                                        
       c.    accordingly
       d.    eventually
       e.    unlikely

 30. After the woman ... some cheese, she ... it in the mouse trap.
       a.    takes – puts                                                                           
       e.    took – had put
       c.    is taking – puts                                                     
       d.    had taken – put
       e.    was taking – put

The following poster is for no. 31 and 32

Description: D:\ukk XI 1011\Poster3-English.jpg

31. Based on the above poster, people must ... their speed on the street.
a.    diminish                                                 
b.    improve                                                                 
c.    increase
d.    enhance
e.    boost

32. The poster warns ... not to speed up their vehicles on the street.
a.    pedestrians                                                            
b.    passengers             
c.     employers
d.    spectators
e.     drivers

The ad below is for no. 33 and 34

33. The career opportunity offered in the above advertisement is for .... .
a.    English teacher                                                                     
b.    diploma graduate                                                                
c.    professional artists
d.    computer operator
e.    exhibition organizer

34. ‘Have the ability to thoroughly analyze and take different perspectives on issues’.
The word ability has the same meaning as .... .
a.    behaviour                                                                                              
b.    aptitude                                                                                 
c.    attitude
d.    attempt
e.    effort

The following text is for questions no. 35 – 38
The Silver Key
There was a traveller going to a distant town. When he reached the town, it was almost midnight. He came to an inn but he found it was locked from inside. He knocked at the door.
“Who are you?” asked a voice from inside the inn. “What do you want? The door cannot be unlocked at such an odd hour.” The traveller needed a rest, food and shelter. He said, “Please, innkeeper, unlock the door. See, how cold it is outside!”
“It’s a strange lock and can be opened only with a silver key,” replied the innkeeper. The traveller passed a silver coin through a slit in the door, got the door unlocked and entered into the inn. “I have left one of my two bags outside,” said the traveller. “Will you please bring it in?”
No sooner had the innkeeper gone out then the traveller  locked the door from inside. The greedy innkeeper was now shut out. He requested the traveller to unlock the door. “I’m helpless,” replied the traveller. “It’s a strange lock and can be opened only with a silver key.”
The innkeeper was obliged to push a silver coin through the slit. The traveller got back his silver coin and unlock the door.

35. What was the traveller problem?
a.    The traveller would not give the innkeeper some money
b.    The innkeeper would not unlock the door for him
c.    The door could not be opened with a silver key
d.    The door could be opened by the innkeeper
e.    He reached the town almost at midnight

36. What is the writer’s intention to write the text?
a.    to describe in particular a silver key
b.    to inform readers how to unlock an inn door
c.    to retell the traveller’s experience in the past
d.    to entertain readers with amusing story about a greedy traveller
e.    to amuse readers with the story of a smart traveller and a greedy innkeeper                

37. The main idea of paragraph 5 is ....
a.    the innkeeper lost his silver coin
b.    the traveller didn’t want to open the door
c.    the innkeeper and the traveller couldn’t enter the inn
d.    the innkeeper must return the silver coin to the traveller
e.    the traveller got his coin back and stayed in the inn with the innkeeper

38. The traveller passed a silver coin through a slit in the door.
The synonym of the underlined word is ....
a.       threw                                                                      
b.       took out                                                                 
c.       inserted
d.       got back
e.       entered

39. The door can only be opened by the innkeeper.
       We can also say that .... .

a.       only the innkeeper cannot open the door
b.       only the innkeeper could open the door.
c.       the door could only open the innkeeper
d.       only the innkeeper can open the door
e.       the innkeeper opens the door

40. ... the traveller had passed the silver coin into the slit, the door suddenly opened.
a.    After                                                                       
b.    When                                                                      
c.     While
d.    Although
e.     However

Jawablah pertanyaan-pertanyaan di bawah ini dengan singkat dan jelas pada lembar jawab yang telah disediakan !
 41. Arrange the pictures below to make a good spoof text and complete each picture with the sentences provided in the box.

  1. Come on, now, come to table!
  2. Go and fetch him!
  3. Tell the boy to come to table.
  4. Aha, he’s reading again.
  5. How mean! Now he is reading my book
  6. Where has your father gone?

a)                                                             b)                                                                        c)

d)                                                                     e)                                                                      f)

42. Change the following sentences into the passive ones.
a) The boy is reading his book in the bedroom.

b) His mother and father have waited the boy for two hours.


The above picture is an example of a banner. Design another one using the following words:
July – Culture – Exhibition – enchanting – extraordinary – event – enterprise – Ministry of Culture – UNESCO

   44.  Write two arguments in your own words and elaborate them to complete the hortatory exposition text below!

Text Box: Dear editor, 
We often hear lots of stories from road regarding people taking spill on motorcycle when they are riding without using helmet. Mostly the riders badly end up in mess. So, I personally agree that wearing helmet gives a total protection. Why do I say that? 
First, .................................................................................................................................................
 Moreover, .........................................................................................................................................
............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... Therefore, wearing the helmets properly when riding is the most important thing. Bikers should use the helmets which are fixed to their heads. It is really not good if they place the helmets on the head simply without settling them properly. The bikers should fasten the helmet straps correctly to their head in order to get safe and comfort.

   45. Story line: Ryan and Adriana are lovers who live in a small county. Ryan finds a new job in another city and is about to move there. He doesn't want his special relationship with Adriana to drift apart. 

Write a dialog based on the above story line. Make sure that your dialog uses expression of love. Start writing your dialog with the following utterance.

Adriana      :     I heard you’re moving to New York
Ryan           :     .... .
Adriana      :     .... . (etc)

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